Find as many words as possible on the grid. You can play Word Grid Game in 4x4 o 5x5 mode.

What is WordGrid

WordGrid is a word game where players try to find as many words as possible from a grid of letter dice. The board can be changed from 4x4 to 5x5 and there is no time limit.

How to play Word Grid

One player shakes the grid to jumble the letters around and then, each player has unlimited time to find as many words as they can from the jumbled letters. Each player records as many words as they can create from the letters that are adjoining horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Tricks and examples to play Word Grid

If you want to win wordgrid game, you must know these tips:

Watch for word endings that may give you a higher score

Watch for word endings that may give you a higher score.

Be on the lookout for word endings that can boost your score. Adding common suffixes like "-ing," "-ed," or "-s" to existing words can create longer words and earn you more points. For example, turning "run" into "running" or "play" into "played" can significantly increase your score.

Check for word reversals

Check for word reversals

This works when the words in question can be reversed to form other words. An example of this includes the word read when reversed, can form the word, dear or the word "stressed" can be reversed to form "desserts." Similarly, "live" when reversed becomes "evil." By identifying these reversible word pairs, you can quickly double your score opportunities.

Memorize the most common wordgrid beginnings

Memorize the most common wordgrid beginnings

It is advisable to memorize the beginning letters that can form a large number of words. An example of this is the letter combination RE, which can lead to words like READ and REACT, among many others. You can also use common suffixes to create more word combinations, as they are frequently used in word games like Scrabble.

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